Monday, September 18, 2017

Building Bridges, by Sister Elaine Hollis, SSJ

At the foot of the hill, on which the Centre is located, is the Borne River which empties into the Loire, the longest river in France. All along this river are a series of bridges and a well-used walking path follows along its banks. It is a very reflective place to walk.

It seems that so much of the course here has been about building bridges of understanding in the midst of conflict. Some of those conflicts are personal as Sisters come to understand themselves and their gifts and limitations. Some happen in community life as young Sisters rub elbows with older Sisters, Sisters from one culture live with those of a different culture, or the small things we do or don't do are interpreted in one way or another without true understanding.

Finally, some of these conflicts arise in the contexts in which the communities are found. Whether it is a hospital in India where the birth of a girl is not as welcomed as that of a boy, or a University in Lebanon where Christians are in a minority, these Sisters are learning skills to help them deal with conflict in a non-violent way.

The bridges they have established here with each other are an essential part of the learning experience. Sisters who speak two different languages and each know a little of a common language have been able to share at a deep level mainly because of their desire and effort to communicate.

Hopefully we can all build more bridges and fewer walls.

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